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Dec. 16, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass.        PLANNING BOARD  
Minutes  -- Regular Meeting – December 16, 2015

7:30 PM   Chairman Tom Daly opened the meeting with John Mirick, Tom Sullivan & Richard Bisk along with alternate Ann Neuburg. Rud Mason was absent.
        Doug Andrysick in with Marie Kincaid to discuss their submission of an “As-Built” plan for the Paradise Place subdivision. The original plan was from 2007 and re-submitted verbatim in 2012. The Planning Board had issued extensions that would  finally end Jan. 9, 2016. Board reviewed the specifications and noted that Jim Shuris, P.E., had reviewed the original plan w/waivers. They would like to have Shuris check the as-built to ensure all work is done as indicated. The board also wanted proof of recording from the Registry of Deeds, as town was never notified that this was done—the Book & Page may be submitted by Ms. Kincaid. After Shuris submits a report to Pl. Bd., the subdivision plan may be released of restrictions. Applicants will be scheduled for the Jan. 6 P.B. meeting if ready with required items, or postpone to Jan. 20 meeting if they need more time.
8:10 PM  Chairman checked correspondence and reported on CMRPC meeting he had attended, noting a new website they’ve created offering much community data:  
Administrative Business
Board members decided to set January 6 for next meeting, or move to Jan. 20 if no action ready for Jan. 6.
8:20 PM  Board voted all in favor to approve Nov. 18, 2015 regular meeting minutes.
Board discussed setting date of March 16 for a public hearing for zoning articles at May 2016 Annual Town Meeting. Articles will include the “adult entertainment” provision; a clarification of Sect. XIV 6. (C); a clarification of the priority status of the zoning map as per Sect. II, 3., and a correction of the East Princeton Business Zone boundary line.
The board went over outstanding issues around the Berubes’ food trailer at Mechanics Hall, since a re-measure of the zoning boundary puts the entire lot in the Business Zone. In that case, the food trailer would be allowed by right, although a site plan review would be required under “change of use.” John M. wanted to find out status of the issue with selectmen, and let them know that P.B. expects to require a site plan from the Berubes if the trailer continues doing business on the town-owned lot.

8:30 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:   Subdivision plans and documents for “Sadie’s Paradise”/Paradise Place. Draft versions of proposed zoning changes.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department